Collateral is a four part, high-octane thriller for BBC2 written by pre-eminent playwright David Hare and directed by the acclaimed SJ Clarkson. Starring Academy-Award nominee Carey Mulligan, the original series has a stellar cast which includes John Simm, Nicola Walker and Billie Piper.
Set over the course of four days, the drama explores the spiralling repercussions surrounding the fatal shooting of a pizza delivery man in present day London. Refusing to accept this is a random act of senseless violence, single-minded Detective Inspector Kip Glaspie (Mulligan) is determined to discover if there is a darker truth. Politician David Mars (Simm) becomes instantly embroiled in the drama through his turbulent relationship with his unpredictable ex Karen (Piper), while Jane Oliver (Walker), a compassionate vicar, struggles to conceal her affair with the only witness to the crime. Hare’s electrifying writing acts as a moving spotlight, asking crucial questions about the state of modern Britain.
A 4 x 60 minute mini-series for BBC2/Netflix
Starring: Carey Mulligan, John Simm, Nicola Walker and Billie Piper
Written by: David Hare
Director: SJ Clarkson
Executive Producers: George Faber, Mark Pybus